Write articles, blogs, tutorials, reviews and earn cryptocurrency! Read more.

Humoral Immunity

📰3 years ago583 views

In this text we will discuss one of the major components of acquired immunity.

Acquired immune responses are executed by two pathways.
These are as follows:
1. Humoral immunity
2. Cell mediated immunity

Basically, humours means body fluids; it involves production of antibodies against foreign antigens.
Antibodies are produced by B lymphocytes.
Antibodies are found in blood plasma, lymph, mucus etc and the surface of B cells & also mast cells and basophils.


Cells involved in humoral immune response includes:

CD4 cells 
B lymphocytes 
Plasma cells 
Memory B cells 


Criteria of humoral immunity:

Immunity by antibody production against exogenous antigens.
Then immunity against T dependent antigens which include...

Did you Know that Tattoos are now Vegan?

📰3 years ago635 views

If you're looking to get a new tattoo for your collection or getting your first tattoo, there are a few things you need to know about them. The first one is that not all tattoos are vegan. Not all equipment or aftercare is vegan either!


Why Might a tattoo NOT be vegan?

Some tattoo inks still contain animal-based ingredients making them not suitable for vegans. The most common ingredients are usually glycerine, gelatine and bone char. Glycerine from animal fat and gelatine are used as stabilisers in the ink. Bone char is often used to increase the pigments and is more commonly seen in white inks.

It's easy to forget about the equipment as well. Stencil papers used for tattoos can contain lanolin made from wool and the disposable razors provided by the tattoo studio often contain animal-based glycerine. The studio may also use balms on the tattoo containing lanolin, beeswax and more. If the tattoo studio isn't a vegan place then they might also reco...


How to stake on Vite and earn Vite Tokens?

📰2 years ago1.4k views

Interested in staking on Vite and earning some tokens? There are three main platforms to consider: Viva Pool, VITCStake, and ViteX DEX.

To use Viva Pool and VITCStake, you'll need to log in using the ViteConnect feature from your mobile device. Simply scan the QR code using either the Vite Wallet or the Viterium wallet. Both staking pools can also be accessed within the Viterium wallet from mobile.

ViteX can be used on any device as long as you have your mnemonic recovery phrase. Although there aren't as many staking options, you can stake VX to earn Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT stablecoin simultaneously. Additionally, you can earn some by trading on DEX. With these staking options, you can earn a variety of coins while supporting the Vite network. Give it a try and see what rewards you can earn!


Why we love Pets

📰3 years ago792 views

A companion animal kept by human beings for pleasure and companionship is known as a pet. A pet is primarily kept for entertainment and a person’s company. This term is not used for working, livestock, and laboratory animals. Most of the pets are selected as companion animals based on their intelligence, attractiveness, and amazing personalities.

The relationship between human beings and pet animals is considered a symbiotic relationship because both individuals feel comfortable with each other. Pets are a part of every culture and society. Pets provide both physical and emotional benefits to their owners. The healthy activities of a person with pets like walking, exercise, and games provide both fresh air and social interaction. Pets provide companionship to lonely and aged people who do not have much social interaction. Some people got pets for the protection of their houses.

The most popular pets are dogs and cats. The person who loves cats is known as an ailurophile and the one who loves dogs is a cynophile in techn...

Bitcoin Beauty and Bear Attack

📰8 months ago129 views

The bears have attacked the crypto world again, which has turned the market red again. But it seems that the bulls are also ready, with signs of greenery.

Some Frustration with Bitcoin

The crypto-king bitcoin price dropped below 30k and was struggling to rise again; now its price stability is struggling to stay at 29k. Many analysts are of the view that the price may fall further, which means that the bear attack may intensify.

The bulls are not giving up just yet

At this time, the decline of ETH, SOL, etc. is showing that Altcoins are not out of the grip of bears, but the good performance of MKR, LINK, COMP, DOT, etc. seems to indicate that Altcoin bulls are also ready. Several memecoins and shitcoins are also showing greenness.

Should Investor Worry?

Investors need not be discouraged (I mean bitcoin investors, because I have experienced the consequences if Shitcoin collapses). The dollar, commodities, and securities are also falling. It is the nature of bitcoin to be volatile. HODL or sell cheap; it's your choice; I don't take any responsibility.

Original Article Bitcoin Beauty and Bear Attack


The Best Cloud Storage Services: Balancing Storage, Security, and Accessibility

📰6 months ago127 views

Cloud storage has become a must-have for everyone, whether you're a business or an individual. But with so many choices out there, picking the right cloud storage service can be quite challenging. This article is your guide to some of the coolest cloud storage options, where we'll assess aspects like their security, reliability, compatibility with your devices, and the space they offer. Plus, we'll also talk about how much you can trust them and other stuff that really matters. Let's dive in!

  • Google Drive

Google Drive offers a generous 15 GB of free storage, making it an excellent choice for those with substantial data needs. It is a cross-platform service, seamlessly integrating with Google's ecosystem. However, some users may have security concerns, as Google's data collection practices have been a subject of debate. To address this, Google Drive provides encryption and two-factor authentication to enhance security.

  • OneDrive

Microsoft's OneDrive offers 5 GB of free storage and is compatible with various platforms, including Windows, iOS, and Android. It excels in integrating...


What is the fastest feeless cryptocurrency?

📰1 year ago2.3k views

As cryptocurrencies gain more popularity, their transaction fees have also increased, causing hurdles for smaller transactions. As a solution, new cryptocurrencies have emerged that provide fast and free transactions, making them more convenient for daily use. Following thorough research and testing, I have written this post to share my findings with you. Today, I will be focusing solely on the speed of these cryptocurrencies, which is determined by the time it takes for a transaction to reach its finality, allowing you to use the coins in your wallet. I hope you find this information interesting and useful.

Some of the recent tests can be found here:



Nano (XNO)

Speed: ~ 1s-1 minute (varies)



Speed: ~ 2s-20 seconds


Koinos (KOIN)</p...


A 10-Step Guide to Find Hidden Crypto Gems for 100x

📰3 months ago80 views

1. Chart Analysis for Bullish Trends

Begin your research by scrutinizing coin price chart. Confirm that the crypto project's chart demonstrates a pattern where prior resistance levels transform into reliable support. This consistent trend signifies market confidence and can be a positive signal for potential investors.

2. Low Market Cap

Look for hidden gems with a market cap under 50 million, and avoid projects that were part of the previous bull run. This helps filter out potential issues like abandoned projects with old holders who are waiting to sell.

3. Clean Smart Contract

Verify the integrity of the smart contract. Ensure it doesn't contain scammy features such as minting, excessive taxes, or wallet freezing (unless on the testnet). Utilize tools like GoPlus Labs, Quick Intel or DexTools for verification.

4. Centralized Exchange Presence

When e...

Top 10 Zero Fee Cryptocurrencies

📰2 months ago78 views

Most cryptocurrencies require users to pay a fee for every transaction they make, which can add up over time. Fortunately, there are some cryptos that offer feeless transactions, meaning users can send and receive coins without paying any fees. These fee free cryptocurrencies can provide more accessible solutions for various use cases, such as payments, remittances, gaming, and decentralized applications. And just make user experience more satisfying.

Today, I will introduce you to the top 10 feeless cryptocurrencies of 2024, based on their market capitalization.

  1. Eos (EOS)
  2. Iota (IOTA)
  3. Skale (SKL)
  5. Nano (XNO)
  6. Vanar Chain (VANRY)
  7. Constellation (DAG)
  8. Koinos (KOIN)
  9. Vite (VITE)
  10. Hathor (HTR)


Bitcoin's Censorship Resistance Faces Challenges: Mining Pool Centralization Raises Concerns

📰4 months ago127 views

Bitcoin, the world's most prominent cryptocurrency, has long touted its censorship resistance as a key selling point. This means that, in theory, no single entity should have the power to block or censor transactions on the Bitcoin network. However, recent developments involving mining pools, particularly F2Pool's decision to filter transactions flagged by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), have raised concerns about Bitcoin's ability to maintain this censorship-resistant nature.

F2Pool, a major Bitcoin mining pool, has admitted to censoring transactions flagged by the OFAC, sparking concerns about Bitcoin's censorship resistance. This move, while done to comply with regulations, sets a dangerous precedent and could lead to further centralization and censorship within the Bitcoin network.

The dominance of large mining pools like AntPool and Foundry USA, which control over 54% of the network's hashrate, amplifies these concerns. Their requirement of Know Your Customer (KYC) information from miners further exacerbates the issue, giving them the ability to easily identify and pot...

The value of performing music in public

📰3 years ago675 views

The importance of playing an instrument and performing in front of people is vital for the student’s development. A future musician must know how to face with great naturalness the public, a stage, it’s also very important to master the jitters and the shaking.

This is a part of the musical learning process, although it may be hard for some students, with time results to be a gratifying experience since music besides all of the studying and technique is a scenic art that also expresses feelings and these must touch people in the public.

Stepping on a stage, mostly from a young age, makes us no strangers to all the adverse elements that at the beginning all performers must face, this is what we know as ‘stage fright’. Meaning; we must face and defeat the fear of not being up to some level musically, that we might confuse the notes, it could also happen to forget the whole thing once you’re up to perform, hands shaking… you name it. 

All these forms of fears might be defeated only performing, auditioning, doing recitals and concerts, you might feel nervou...

Life Cycle of Stars

📰3 years ago664 views

Stars are formed from an enormous cloud of dust and gas in space.
In millions of light-years, the force of gravity continuously pulls these gases and dust together, leading to the formation of a ball-like object.
The majority of this gas is mainly hydrogen.
As more gas and dust is pulled into the object, it starts to spin.
As the object spins, the hydrogen atoms start to collide with one another. As a result of these collisions, the object's temperature starts to rise. This temperature rises continuously to over 10 million degrees Celsius. A chemical reaction called the nuclear fusion of the hydrogen atoms starts to take place. In this reaction, two atoms of hydron fuse or combine to form helium. After this reaction, the gas in the object starts to slow. At this stage, the object is called a protostar, and it is the first stage of star formation. The fusion that occurs is an exothermic reaction that gives off large amounts of heat.

After forming a star from a cloud of gas and dust called nebulae, the star remains in a period called the main sequence. This is where a star spends most of its life for millions of light-years.
A star depends...


Top 10 Crypto Token Scanners and Analysis Tools

📰4 weeks ago38 views

In today’s digital currency landscape, safeguarding investments against scams and rug pulls is paramount. Cryptocurrency token scanning and analytic tools are indispensable for investors navigating the DeFi space. These platforms offer critical insights into tokenomics, revealing minting processes, sell and buy tax structures, proxy contract usage, and honeypot traps. By leveraging these analytical services, one can step into the crypto market with confidence, armed with knowledge to identify secure and promising tokens.

  1. https://gopluslabs.io/token-security
  2. https://app.quickintel.io/scanner
  3. https://terminal.hapilabs.one
  4. https://de.fi/scanner
  5. https://tokensniffer.com
  6. https://bscheck.eu
  7. https://www.breadcrumbs.app
  8. https://rugcheck.xyz
  9. https://honeypot.is
  10. https://app.nansen.ai

DigiByte Review: The most secure cryptocurrency?

📰9 months ago292 views

While Bitcoin remains the most well-known and widely adopted cryptocurrency, there are other alternatives that offer enhanced security features. Among these, DigiByte (DGB) stands out as one of the most secure and versatile cryptocurrencies available. Today, we will explore why DigiByte is considered a top choice for secure transactions and highlight some interesting facts about its development and implementation.

Unmatched Security Features

DigiByte has gained a reputation for being exceptionally secure, even surpassing Bitcoin in certain aspects. This enhanced security is primarily due to its robust architecture, which utilizes multiple layers of protection. DigiByte employs five mining algorithms, making it resistant to 51% attacks that could compromise the network's integrity. This multi-algorithm approach ensures a decentralized and secure blockchain, providing users with increased confidence in the platform.

Additionally, DigiByte's founder, Jared Tate, played a crucial role in solving the chain freeze issue faced by Dogecoin in 2014. Tate's expertise in developing DigiShield, a difficulty adjustment algorithm, helped stabilize Dogecoin's blockchain.


Top 10 Cryptocurrencies with Fastest Transaction Speeds

📰5 months ago494 views

Ever wondered why your crypto transactions sometimes feel slower than a snail's pace? In this age of one-click shopping, we want everything now. While Bitcoin, the pioneer of peer-to-peer digital cash, has revolutionized the way we transfer value across the internet, its original blockchain can feel somewhat sluggish. Even the introduction of Bitcoin Lightning Network, although a step in the right direction, has raised concerns about centralization and security. So, you may be wondering which cryptocurrency reigns supreme when it comes to transaction speed? Time to finality (TTF), high throughput (TPS), and low fees are all vital factors in the quest for a cryptocurrency that can be adopted and used as a P2P cash. In this article, we'll delve into the top 10 fastest cryptocurrencies that are leading the charge in this exciting tech race. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the realm of blockchain or dag technology, you'll soon discover the most efficient options available, making your digital transactions as fast as possible.

Please note that I did not include transaction times of these cryptos during extreme usage/high load because m...


Exploring the Possibilities: Cryptocurrency as a Versatile Technology

📰11 months ago462 views

Cryptocurrency has been steadily gaining traction in recent years, and with it, the potential technology behind cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly versatile. Cryptocurrency provides a powerful tool for professionals in various industries by offering an array of applications that have either already been implemented or have potential to be used in the near future. From widely-known activities such as international money transfers and investments to more specialized tasks like blockchain governance and distributed data storage, cryptocurrency can act as multiple building blocks in different fields — all at once!

What is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work

Have you ever heard of a currency that exists purely in digital form? Say hello to cryptocurrency! It’s like the cool kid on the block that everyone wants to hang out with. But let’s get technical for a second. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Translation: it’s super secure and no one can mess with it. Plus, it works on a peer-to peer network, so you don’t have to deal with the middleman (bank) when making transactions...


Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment?

📰3 years ago891 views

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency where individual coin ownership records are kept in a database secured by strong cryptography. Because of its special security feature, it is difficult to counterfeit. It is fully digital and is not issued or controlled by any central authority.

If you have been following the news, you might have heard a thing or two about the insane ups and downs of cryptocurrencies recently. It surely is a crazy year for those who invested in cryptocurrencies. Some have become filthy rich by investing in cryptocurrency, while some have lost a fortune during its downfall.

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are two of the most popular types of cryptocurrency. Before the crash, Bitcoin’s price has soared more than 450% while Ethereum’s price has increased by more than 1,100% since October 2020. The wildness has subsequently extended to Dogecoin (DOGE), which skyrocketed by at least 12,000% since January 2021!

In May 2020, both Bitcoin’s and Ethereum’s prices plummeted by ...


Make a crypto donation page for free

📰9 months ago1.2k views

Fundraising for causes, charities, and projects has become easier and more accessible than ever before. With the advent of cryptocurrencies, receiving donations has taken a new leap forward. We provide a user-friendly solution that empowers you to create your own personalized donation pages, reach a wider audience online, and effortlessly raise funds.

Our website is well-optimized for both desktop and mobile, ensuring that donors can access your donation page from any device. When visitors arrive at your page, they can easily view your wallet address and have the option to copy it or scan a QR code. 

Branding and Customization

Each page can be branded with your logo, social media links, and a personalized message, creating a professional and cohesive representation of your cause. This branding feature helps establish trust and recognition among potential donors, fostering long-term relationships.

Boost Exposure with SEO Articles

We also offer a well-optimized platform for publishing articles. This feature allows you to gain more exposure and attract a wider audience to your cause. Leveraging sea...


GTA IV cloud saving was added!

📰3 years ago3.6k views

Rockstar has updated GTA 4 on Steam and now it is called Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition, with this update they removed multiplayer, leaderboards, and some music from radio stations.
This new Complete Edition includes GTA: Episodes from Liberty City which means it is no longer a separate game.

Also, you can now save your game progress on the cloud using Rockstar Games Social Club.

To enable cloud saving do the following:
1. Open GTA IV.
2. Go to Social Club, (from main menu or press [home] button.
3. Click the Settings icon and select "GAME SETTINGS" tab.
4. Enable "Auto Sign in" in the "PROFILE" tab.
5. Enable "Cloud Saves" in the "GAME SETTINGS" tab.


Top 10 Best Web3 Browsers for 2024

📰3 months ago108 views

As we step into the era of Web 3.0, big changes are happening online. Picture a digital world where decentralized apps (dApps) and blockchain tech rule the scene. To make sense of this shift, you need a Web 3.0 browser – a tool that smoothly blends Ethereum Name Service (ENS), Unstoppable Domains and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), all while keeping things open-source. Think of these browsers as more than just gateways; they're the architects of how we'll experience the internet in the future. 

  1. Brave
  2. Opera
  3. Maxthon
  4. Aloha
  5. MASQ
  6. Decentr
  7. CryptoTab
  8. Carbon (Mobile only)
  9. Mises (Mobile only)
  10. Puma (Mobile only)

Free Stock photos by Vecteezy

List of Cryptocurrency Captcha Faucets 2024

📰3 months ago812 views

If you're interested in entering the crypto space but are hesitant to sign up for an exchange or make any purchases just to give it a try, you've come to the right place. Captcha faucets, clever avenues rewarding users with small amounts of cryptocurrency for solving captchas, provide a straightforward entry point to explore various digital assets. In acknowledgment of the potential value of these digital rewards, a Bitcoin faucet distributed an impressive 19,700 BTC back in 2010. This list is regularly updated with new faucets, so feel free to drop a comment below if you have specific requests for additions. Exclusive to this list are faucets that require no downloads or registrations, providing a hassle-free way to acquire crypto.

Algorand (ALGO)


Bitcoin (BTC) Satoshi on Lightning Network


Bitcoin Cats (1CAT)

Chia (XCH)


DigiByte (DGB)



Top 10 Best DeFi Hot Wallets to Safeguard Your Cryptocurrency Assets

📰1 month ago37 views

As the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to grow, the importance of secure and reliable cryptocurrency wallets becomes increasingly paramount. With a plethora of options available, choosing the right wallet can be a daunting task. To help you navigate through the maze of choices, here's a curated list of the top 10 DeFi wallets, each offering unique features and advantages.

  1. Unstoppable Wallet

    • Unstoppable Wallet stands out for its commitment to transparency and security. It's fully open source and has received certification from CertiK, a leading blockchain security firm. With a perfect WalletScrutiny score of 10/10, it offers users peace of mind regarding the safety.
  2. Rabby Wallet

    • Rabby Wallet is not only open-sourced and audited but also boasts funding from D Bank, adding an extra layer of credibility. Its commitment to transparency and security makes it a popular choice among DeFi enthusiasts.
  3. Brave Wallet

    • Built for users of the Brave browser, the Brave Wallet emphasizes privacy and ...

Top 20 Best PC Battle Royale Games

📰2 months ago45 viewsVideo

In the realm of online gaming, battle royale games have taken the world by storm, captivating millions of players with their adrenaline-fueled action and strategic gameplay. These competitive, last-man-standing matches have revolutionized the gaming landscape, challenging players to outwit, outplay, and outlast their opponents in a constant battle for survival. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey as we explore the top 20 battle royale games that are electrifying the gaming scene today. From the vibrant world of Fortnite to the intense realism of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, prepare to be immersed in a world of exhilarating challenges and epic encounters.

  1. Fortnite
  3. Apex Legends
  4. Call of Duty®: Warzone 2.0
  5. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt
  7. Realm Royale Reforged
  9. Farlight 84
  10. Ring of Elysium
  11. Darwin Project
  12. Cyber Hunter
  13. CRSED: F.O.A.D.
  14. Super Mecha Champions
  15. Battlerite Royale
  16. Dominance
  17. H1Z1
  18. Super Animal Royale
  19. Total Lockdown
  20. Eternal Return

Kick.com Review: A better version of Twitch

📰10 months ago259 views

Kick.com is a rapidly growing live streaming platform that initially started as a social media platform. However, it has evolved into a dedicated space for live streaming content. The functionality and interface of Kick.com are quite similar to Twitch, making it easy for streamers to transition between the two platforms.

Twitch's Dominance and Lack of Competition

Twitch's overwhelming market share has resulted in limited motivation for innovation and addressing user demands. Other platforms, such as Mixer and Facebook Gaming, have faltered due to various issues. Consequently, there is a lack of genuine competition, leaving Twitch unchallenged and less inclined to cater to the needs of smaller creators.

The Importance of VODs and Twitch's Flawed System

Twitch's video-on-demand (VOD) system has significant shortcomings, particularly for non-partnered streamers. VODs are automatically deleted after 60 days for non-partnered streamers, while even partnered streamers face uncertainty about the lifespan of their content on the plat...


Top 10 Best Web Browsers

📰6 months ago132 views

Choosing the right web browser is a critical decision, as it can significantly impact your online experience, from the smoothness of web page loading to the level of privacy and security you enjoy while traversing the internet.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the top 10 web browsers, each with its unique features, strengths, and, of course, a few quirks. As the digital age advances, these browsers have evolved to address a range of user needs, from speed and simplicity to privacy and customization. It's essential to explore and understand the diverse array of options available to make an informed choice that aligns with your online habits and priorities.

  1. Chrome:
    Chrome stands out for its exceptional performance and seamless user experience. This browser has earned a reputation for being reliable, making it the preferred choice for many. However, it's worth noting that Chrome has faced scrutiny over privacy concerns, as it is developed by Google, a company known for its data collection practices.
  2. Firefox:
    Firefox is a browser with a strong commitment to open-source principles, providi...

Why Gaming Isn’t Just Fun, It’s Good for Kids: 11 Reasons

📰11 months ago247 views

Fellow gamers and non-gamers! Today, I want to talk to you about something that’s close to my heart: gaming. Specifically, why gaming is good for kids. I know that some people might be skeptical of this claim, but hear me out! I’m here to give you some solid reasons why gaming can actually be a positive thing for kids.

Gaming promotes problem-solving skills

First up, let’s talk about problem-solving skills. When you’re playing a video game, you’re constantly presented with challenges and obstacles that you have to overcome. Whether it’s figuring out how to beat a tough boss or navigating a tricky puzzle, gaming requires you to think critically and come up with solutions. This can be a great way to help kids develop their problem-solving skills and learn how to think on their feet.

Gaming can be educational

Believe it or not, gaming can actually be educational! There are many games out there that are designed to teach kids about science, history, math, and more. For example, the game Minecraft has been used in classrooms to teach kids about everything from geography to computer programming. By playing these games, kids can learn while having fun at the same time.


Top 10 Best Password Managers for Ultimate Security and Convenience

📰2 months ago41 views

Maintaining strong and unique passwords for various online accounts is essential for securing your personal and sensitive information. Thankfully, there are numerous password managers available that make it easier than ever to generate, store, and autofill your passwords. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 password managers, highlighting their features and capabilities to help you choose the one that suits your needs.

  1. Proton Pass stands out as an open-source password manager that places a strong emphasis on security. It utilizes end-to-end encryption to ensure your data remains private and inaccessible to anyone but you. It offers browser extensions and mobile applications for a seamless user experience. As a newer entrant to the market, Proton Pass is gaining popularity for its commitment to privacy.
  2. Bitwarden is another open-source option, known for its robust security features. It provides browser extensions and mobile apps, allowing users to access their passwords on various devices. Bitwarden's commitment to transparency and security makes it a favorite among privacy-conscious users.
  3. NordPass is ...

Binance Adds Support for Bitcoin Lightning Network!

📰9 months ago157 viewsNews

Binance, one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has officially integrated support for the Bitcoin Lightning Network (LN). With this integration, Binance users can now choose the Lightning Network as an option for both Bitcoin deposits and withdrawals, offering a more efficient and cost-effective way to handle their transactions.

#Binance has completed the integration of Bitcoin ( #BTC ) on the Lightning Network and deposits and withdrawals are now open.

More details here 👇https://t.co/aIofPdtAGY

— Binance (@binance) July 17, 2023

Faster and Cheaper Transactions

The adoption of the Lightning Network by Binance opens up a plethora of benefits for users. While withdrawal fees still remain, they have become significantly cheaper with network fees ranging between 0.000001 to 0.00013 BTC. This reduction in fees is expected to appeal to traders and investors, who can now enjoy a more cost-effective method of managing their Bitcoin transactions.

Beyond cost savings, the Lightning Network is also known for its rapid transaction speed. Despite initial concerns about its security, users have reported that coins dep...


Never Combine Taskbar Buttons is finally back on Windows 11

📰6 months ago148 views

In a surprising and much-welcomed move, Microsoft has brought back the "Never Combine Taskbar Buttons" feature to regular Windows 11 users with the release of the 2023-10 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 (KB5031354). This update has been long-awaited by users who were accustomed to the feature's functionality in earlier Windows versions, and it marks another step in Microsoft's ongoing efforts to refine and enhance the Windows 11 experience.

The "Never Combine Taskbar Buttons" feature is not entirely new to the Windows. It was a staple in earlier Windows versions, allowing users to keep individual taskbar buttons for each open application or window, even when multiple instances of the same program were running. This feature made it easier for users to quickly switch between open windows, as they could simply click on the program's icon in the taskbar, and it would display a list of all open windows associated with that program.


Can visiting a webpage do any harm to you?

📰11 months ago331 views

Visiting a page alone shouldn't be that big of a deal when you are only viewing it and your browser is up to date. Cyber criminals often use various techniques to infect websites with malicious code and trick users into doing certain activities designed to steal sensitive information or infect their devices, which can compromise their online security and their device performance.

Here are some of the ways visiting a webpage can harm you:

  • Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a type of cyber-attack where attackers create fake websites designed to trick users into providing sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card numbers, or even cryptocurrency wallets. These fake websites are often made to look like legitimate websites, and users may unknowingly enter their information, thinking that they are on a genuine website.

  • Drive-By Downloads

Drive-by downloads occur when malware is automatically downloaded to your computer when you visit a website. This can happen when a website contains malicious code that exploits vulnerabilities in your web brows...